Owls Among Us

Sharon Audubon Center
Event Date: 
Friday, January 27, 2023 - 7:00pm

Title: Owls Among Us  
When: Friday, January 27th 7-8:15pm
Location: Sharon Audubon Center
Owls captivate our hearts and imaginations. From the powerful Great-horned owl to the coffee cup sized Saw-whet owl,
Connecticut hosts a diverse array of species we can observe throughout the seasons.
In January, we stand a chance of hearing either Great-horned Owls or Barred Owls calling once the sun sets.
Join Naturalist Bethany Sheffer for a discussion of our state’s owls before heading out onto the property and listening for them.
Bonus: If we don’t hear a wild one, participants will get to see our residents up close!
Fee: $10/participant
Suitable for ages 13+
Pre-paid online reservations available, but cash and check payments also accepted onsite.
Registration link: https://act.audubon.org/a/owls-among-us-12723
Call 860-364-0520 x115 or email Bethany at bethany.sheffer@audubon.org with questions.