Unemployment due to COVID-19


File for unemployment benefits regardless if you are full or part time workers, eligibility will be based on a case by case basis. Applications can be done on-line, http://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/UI-OnLine/index.htm . If you do not have access to a computer or WI-FI Contact Miriam Jones, Social Services Agent , 860-364-1003 for alternative filing.

For Faster Processing:

 1. Answer “YES” to the question “Do you have a DEFINITE return to work date after today?” 

2. If you do not know your return date but expect to return enter 04/01/2020, when prompted.

3. Enter your employer’s Department of Licensing registration number (found on your pay stub). If you do not have the number enter 99-999-95.

4. When you are asked if you are able and available for full-time work on either the initial or weekly claims, enter “YES”. Only answer “NO” if you are out of work because YOU are sick.

5. If you are being paid by your employer during the shutdown you are NOT eligible for unemployment compensation.